Iraq says no security danger to Kuwait
Media reports about a security danger between Iraq and Kuwait are “unfounded,” the Iraqi international safe haven in Kuwait demanded yesterday. “No reality in what it was as of late revealed about the presence of safety dangers among Kuwait and Iraq,” the consulate said on Twitter.
Calling for an “alert with news sources,” the government office proclamation added an admonition to Kuwait about “blending political plans.” It focused on that ties between the two nations are “significant and solid.”
Parliamentary level conversations between the two nations have occurred as of late over the capture of Iraqi anglers in the Khor Abdullah line region. Last month, two Kuwaiti parliamentarians required the Iraqi representative to be gathered to fight against “undermining” articulations by an Iraqi MP.
Alaa Al-Haydar had encouraged Baghdad to send the Shia Popular Mobilization Forces to get anglers in Khor Abdullah. Accordingly, the media announced that Kuwait had trained its Coastguard to stay “on guard”.
In 2013, Iraq and Kuwait consented to a line arrangement managing the sea route in Khor Abdullah: the islands of Bubiyan and Warba went under Kuwait, and the Faw landmass is in Iraq, stretching out into An Iraqi area and framing Khor Al-Zubair, where the Iraqi port of Umm Qasr is found.