Israel to end Islamic Jihad ‘republic’ in Jenin
The Israeli occupation has chosen to end the Islamic Jihad’s “republic” in the involved West Bank city of Jenin, the Israeli armed force radio broadcast wrote about Friday.
Following the Israeli armed force’s killing of three Palestinians in Jenin on Friday at daybreak, the Islamic Jihad vowed: “not to stay quiet.”
As per Sama News Agency, the Israeli armed force radio broadcast detailed that the Israeli insight and armed force had chosen to “exchange Jenin Brigade.”
Security sources told the military radio broadcast that the Israeli armed force wouldn’t permit the redundancy of Islamic Jihad’s “republic” of Jenin in different regions across the involved West Bank.
Hence, the Israeli armed force vowed to complete the mission paying little mind to cost, incorporating conflicts with the involved Gaza Strip.
On Friday at sunrise, nearby sources in Jenin said that a unique Israeli power penetrated the city’s eastern area and opened weighty fire at three Palestinian young people inside their vehicle.